What is undoing the chair?

In light of our upcoming event, “Undoing The Chair”, we thought we’d give you an overview of what all the fuss is about. 


When did it come about? 

For the last decade, sitting has been touted as one of the higher risk behaviours when it comes to increased mortality. It, is the go to cause for most soft tissue related issue when diagnosed by health professionals, eg. “your hips are tight from sitting too long, that’s causing your back pain”. 

Additionally, research around standing desks providing suitable solutions for the sitting epidemic suggest that it isn’t the be all and end all. 

We found such information left people feeling a loss for solutions. 

For us at SOF, we try our best to provide evidence based solutions for people and in 2017 we ran our first seminar on Undoing The Chair and it was a huge success. 


What is it all about?

Undoing the chair is about teaching you how to mitigate the mechanical effect sitting has on your body.

Having years of experience in the health and wellness industry and a team of educated and passionate practitioners, we see it as our responsibility to give people practical solutions to help them take better care of their own body.

We take the complexity of biomechanics, physiology, neurology and psychology and provide digestible information as well as practical applicable solutions for participants. 

It’s about teaching participants how to take care of themselves. 


What is its place in 2021?

In light of what has been first for the modern world, the way we work has changed for good. And although working from home may be more convenient (not sitting in traffic) it has led to an interesting increase in a range of other issues when it comes to physical health. People have to adapt to ergonomically compromising workplaces including the couch, kitchen bench or cheap home office set up – and this has caused some serious issues. 


Lenovo Group Conducted a survey during 2020 of 20,262 people working from home during the COVID crisis. 


-       71% have experienced new or exacerbated pain or injury . 

-       Common symptoms included back pain, neck pain, eye irritation, poor posture, insomnia and headaches. 


Now for those of you who have experienced pain of any kind, it is obviously physically debilitating but on top of this, it has negative effects on mental health. 

This study found lower back pain as the “strongest predictor of major depression after adjusting for possible confounding factors such as demographics and medical co-morbidity” and this is one of many studies presenting similar data. 

Now, more than ever, is the time for people to learn how to “Undo The Chair” and manage the way sitting is affecting their physical and mental health. 


Who is it for?

If you’re reading this, then undoing the chair is for you. 

12 years of school is enough sitting time to have a lifetime of deleterious sitting effects, let alone driving, jobs and Netflix binging. 


Tickets to the event can be purchased here


Come and learn how to move and live better. 




The compounding effect of sitting on your body and your brain


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