Train safe - Part 1 / 2

How and when to include plyometrics in your training program

Over the next few posts we are going to keep it light and easy (no copyright intended).

All we want to do is share a few simple tips on how you can make your training more effective by making it safer - because nothing is less effective than a training program in which you injure yourself.

For this weeks post we are going to talk through plyometrics and really dive into when and how to use them.

It is common knowledge that plyometrics are the go to exercise to help develop power and in turn strength. They are thrown in and among most strength programs and are incredibly effective.

To save boring you with the science of how it all works, here are a couple of bits we have learnt through experience along the way:


Earn plyometrics.

This is broken into two phases. The first, is to learn correct movement mechanics, the second, is to get strong. It hurts any decent fitness professionals eyes to see an individual jump or land with knees that dump in or a spine that rounds. Add a bit of extra force and speed to that recipe and boom, you’re in big trouble.


Plyometrics shouldn’t be used for conditioning.

Just jump on Youtube and search box jump fails - hopefully that is enough reason for you to not couple the two together.


Do plyometrics at the start, not the end of your session. 

For similar reasons to the first point, plyometrics are complex high speed movements, add the fatigue from a strength training session/conditioning session and the risk of getting it wrong increases tenfold.

Think before you do folks.




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