Tackling Bone Density - one rep at a time

Carol is one of SOF’s long term supporters and the original member of our Fit Over 50’s program. Originally being referred to us for ongoing back pain, her GP advised that she should look into weight bearing exercise and dietary changes to address her bone health after her recent DEXA scan highlighted she was osteopenic. This was something she never thought would happen to her, particularly before 60-years of age. 


Bone Health and Osteoporosis is something that a lot of people fear with age, particularly women. Females are hammered with a number of factors that can effect bone health such as menopause, child birth and diet. The heightened risk of fall or injury, accompanied with the possible time off work and change to daily life is a frightening prospect and pain point for many. As Carol tells us, “I did not want to have weak, brittle bones, hip replacements, etc. I want to be able to be independent and active as I enter my senior years''. 


Whilst Carol believed her knowledge of health and fitness was good prior to starting at SOF, she knew that it was the application that was missing. Determined to overcome her DEXA scan results, Carol made the commitment to turning up to SOF 4-days a week and doing what she could. Four years later, this is still her routine.


Carol quickly became a regular around the gym both in and outside of class. She never missed a Fit over 50’s session over at SOF Platinum but also engaged in a number of private Exercise Physiology sessions to work on her cardiovascular fitness. Carol realised that SOF was able to give her the tools to properly understand exercise and resistance training, learning the importance of 'nailing the basics' for not only developing strong bones, but also ridding herself of any other aches and pains. Having previously been terrified of weights and the gym environment, she now loves coming into sessions and is amazed at how far she has come. To top it off, her Physio and Chiropractic bills are at an all time low. 


“Exercise and physical activity opens up a whole new world to us as we age and gives us the confidence to do so!” said Carol.


Not only did Carol’s strength, fitness and confidence improve, but her whole body shape changed for the better. After a follow up DEXA scan, she was pleasantly surprised to see improvements in muscle mass, reduced visceral fat and an improvement in her bone density that took her away from Osteopenia and back within the normal range for her age. Her three-pronged approach of exercise, diet and lifestyle was paying off.


Whilst Carol’s physical health changed, she soon found she was feeling better mentally as well. Training with a group of like-minded people who always had something to chuckle about over a coffee (or 3!) after class had proven to be just as important as the exercise itself. 


“Presently, my physical and mental health are great. I enjoy all aspects of training at SOF. The trainers are a delight and show great patience with us. Their knowledge and its application is fantastic”.


Providing an environment to support these changes is something that we are passionate about at SOF. Seeing people go from strength to strength, not only physically, but also with their confidence and independence is extremely valuable to us. 


When asked what advice she would give to others concerned about her bone health, Carol made a point about focusing on consistency. “The repetition of exercise is important. Consistency is key. Do the work [ladies], it does pay off. There is only one truth and that is the result”.


Carol, there is never a dull moment when you are around. Thank-you for being such an avid supporter of SOF and all it has to offer. Your attitude and commitment is one of a kind and we know this is only the beginning of what you can achieve with us. We are excited to see what the future holds!


To find out more about how you can makes changes like Carol – please follow the link below for information on SOF’s Exercise and Bone Density Seminar.




Your guide to building strong bones


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