Simple ways to avoid injury in the gym

There is no denying, a niggling injury is a nightmare for any one that is hoping to improve their fitness. What is even worse is an injury that sends you backwards rather than forwards leaving you questioning the whole purpose of training in the first place.

Here are some rather logical, but not particularly abundant, solutions to help you avoid such problems.


1. Find a professional – an educated and qualified professional.

It’s pretty self-explanatory, if you’re sick – you go to a doctor, if your car is broken – you go to an accountant, a teeth problem – dentist. At no point would you consider – hey, I’m going to work this issue out myself. If you are brave enough to do so, you’d probably put a fair bit of research and learning into the problem before tackling it.

Our question remains, why would you not do the same for your health and fitness?

Your body and the way it moves is highly complex and requires significant scientific understanding and if you don’t have such an understanding, find a professional that does.


2. Consider your program according to your ability.

Poor programming is probably at the top of the list when it comes to frustration with our industry.

The increased trend of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and the influence of Cross Fit has led to this combination of strength exercise with conditioning exercises being sold as the MOST effective way to train.

For example row 3000m followed by 5 Olympic lifts etc.

The issue here is the complexity of such activity combined with the physical demand on the body can put a less conditioned individual in compromised positions very quickly.

Next week we will dive into the deep science behind such a claim so save your arguments until then.


3. Chase the details.

The way we move, in this day and age, isn’t particularly good.

From the moment we are shoved into a chair at school, our movement journey is compromised.

Consider it as a law of unintended circumstances.

Nevertheless, jumping up and expecting your body to perform complex or high volume activity (long run/ride) without considering your bio mechanics is asking for trouble.

A pilot has to rigorously check the plane before a flight because a 30min safety check is far less of a hassle compared to a plane crash.

Your body is no different, having a physio, physiologist or exercise scientist check your movement patterns before you embark on a “fitness” journey is far less of a hassle than battling back from injury.

And if anything is identified, doing the necessary strength, mobility and activation work will set you up for the rest of your life – so do it.


Simple solutions for long term results should be the “goal”. Nothing worthwhile comes quick and your health and fitness is no different.

So pull the mirror up and look at what you’re doing before you point the finger at something else. The answers are out there – go find them.




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