Jacaranda Finance

Written by Jacaranda Finance

H1: Jacaranda Finance Are Whipping More Than Your Bank Account Into Shape


How would you like to feel more energised, be more productive, and manage your time better at work? 


Well, that’s exactly what studies indicate a sweat session can do for you. 

But sticking to a workout routine is hard. What if you don’t like the trainer, or the workout itself? What if motivation just plain dips?


It’s even harder for corporates. It’s not a personal preference, it’s a team preference. 

When people have got deadlines to think about or ideas to pitch, it can be hard to ‘switch off’. Or, quite commonly, exercise simply isn’t a priority in the grand scheme of the workday.


Put simply, here at Jacaranda Finance, the last ~18 months training with Science of Fitness has proven all our doubts wrong. Plus, they’ve taught us a lot more about what team workouts and an active and engaged workforce can accomplish.


Why Science of Fitness?


Corporate fitness providers aren’t exactly hard to come by, which is what makes the decision of actually settling on one all the more challenging.


Science of Fitness ticked all the boxes… They offered onsite training that was fully customisable. There were a variety of classes on offer, and they even had health and wellness seminars. 


It wasn’t the service list that sold us though.


The team proved energetic, dedicated and passionate from the first meeting. We could tell these weren’t a group who were going to come in and run a copy/paste workout. They took the time to understand the people of Jacaranda, what workouts would be most beneficial and appealing, and the best ways to motivate them. 


So what have the last 18 months looked like? 


Since July, 2019, the Jacaranda Finance team have been hitting the pilates mats every Tuesday and Thursday morning, as well as hitting the pads for boxing Wednesdays.


Our CEO, Daniel Wessels, says, “The commitment of our team here has been amazing. Seeing people show up day in and day out, including a lot of people we hadn’t even initially expected to be so on board, is inspiring. It’s a massive testament to the Science of Fitness team that this is a highlight in the week for so many of our staff.”


H2: Why work workouts?


One-third of your adult life is spent at work, on average. 


With work such a large chunk of people’s lives, as well as an understanding of the benefits of movement and an active lifestyle, it makes sense to make fitness business as usual.


We’ve seen a shift in attitude and atmosphere since bringing Science of Fitness on board.

The workout sessions have brought people together and you can see the positive energy in the way they converse, and then the attitude they bring into their work day. 


Wessels has gone on to say, “It makes it easier to work out when it’s happening right in your work common room. Every time I’ve done a session with Kieran - it may not feel like it during - but I’ve certainly left feeling refreshed.”


If you’d like to learn more about Jacaranda Finance, and why we’re in the business of fit and healthy finances, you can visit our website here




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