4 Rules to consider when writing your isolation training programs

Having been stuck in isolation for a couple of weeks now, a lot of you are probably trying your very best to find inspiration to train.
Unfortunately for a lot of you coming up with inventive and entertaining programs on your own without any equipment has not been something you've done very often so inspiration and variation may be lacking.

Having worked in a number of environments in which equipment has been limited and abilities have been limited there are a couple of golden rules that we always turn back to when coming up with quick and effective programs.


Rule #1 , stick to a schedule.

For a lot of us our schedules have change drastically and with that our daily routines such as exercise in the morning or evening have fallen to the wayside and now we might be doing fluctuating bouts of activity without any structure or consistency .
If you go back to the drawing board comma and use exercise as the tool to help build a routine and structure into your day you will probably find this has an influence on the rest of your day from eating to working to sleeping on regular and healthy schedules.

The ritualistic practice of assigning specific times in the day be it morning or evening or in the middle of the day will help you structure the rest of your day accordingly.

Rule #2, If you're running make sure you manage your load.

Those of you that enjoy a high intensity type of training session have probably found yourself doing a lot more running. The risk that comes with this is increased stress and load on your system that haven't quite had that amount of work put through it in a very long time.
If you have gone from one or two running sessions a week up to three or four with a couple of high intensity and lower intensity variations you might be experiencing increased calf stiffness hip soreness or even back pain.
These are all normal symptoms of what occurs when you increase the load of one particular activity.
What is important to be mindful of is that if you ignore the stiffness or soreness that is going to come with increased load you are going to put yourself at risk of injury.
By simply managing the distances and the intensities at which you expose your body to this type of training, particularly running, your body will begin to build a tolerance up. This will take anywhere between three, six and 12 weeks and is really important to be conscious of. If you are experiencing tendon pain or stiffness , we highly recommend using foam rolling or trigger point treatment to quickly reduce the tissue tension that is going on.
Additionally we recommend you Revisit some of the foundational movement pattern rules and reduce your load or the amount of work you are doing when it comes to running.
If you are after alternative ideas for high intensity training try the primal session on the SOF app !

Rule #3, train your shoulder blades and your mid back.

If you’ve been unable to get your hands on equipment and have found yourself training with just the floor and a couch it is crucial to remember to train the muscles that extend your spine, retract your shoulder blades and generally pull you up right.
Now this might be a little bit difficult for some of you to generate ideas for these type of exercises.

Keep your eye on our social media pages over the next few days we will post a handful of options that don't require any equipment and give these muscles enough of a fix for the moment.
Not only do these exercises assist with your posture and reduce the possibility of shoulder impingement and injury, but they are also proven to improve your mental and hormonal health.

Rule #4, go back to the basics.

Although you may be lacking the typical equipment that you have used for so long in the gym, now is a great time for you to turn your attention back to the basic movement patterns that give you freedom to explore greater training horizons.
The foundational movement patterns that allow us to train and move the way we want all take for granted start on the ground.

Taking this time to revisit your breathing techniques , your deep abdominal strength , your glute activation, your hip mobility and your mid and upper back strength requires no equipment and just a bit of discipline.
Now is an opportunity to assign one or two sessions a week two revisit some of the foundation movement patterns and muscle contractile properties that will have you Feeling better than ever once this is all over.

If you are stuck for a solution why not try one of our zoom Pilates or core sessions. You can also checkout our app which has a host of solutions to the foundational movement principles.

There is no denying that the current situation that we are all in is incredibly inconvenient, however like anything in life change is inevitable.
You have a choice to sit and complain and try and replicate what you have always done which might leave you frustrated and dissatisfied, OR you can choose to take this as an opportunity to work on areas that you may not have prioritised for a long time.

We suggest grabbing the bull by the horns and having a real crack at exploring something knew when it comes to your movement, your fitness and your health.

Not only will this leave you in a better position when this is all over, but it will assist with your sanity as you navigate your way through the next few weeks or months of an altered lifestyle.




Staying sport ready during isolation


Training the mind muscle – Enhancing the human super power (Part 2)